DownsofFire: Medabots
Episode 1

Nostalgia Fest 2012, End o’ the World Edition. Why? Simple. Because I FUCKING
LOVE MEDABOTS! Seriously. Next to Pokemon, it was THE kids show.
it’s one of those obscure anime from my youth I didn’t know was an anime and
only ever watched a couple episodes a year or so. But I always enjoyed it. Now
then, flash forward to 2012. I’m watching a Top 10 video of someone’s favourite
nostalgia shows. Number 10 is Medabots. So I decide to go to one of my 3 anime
websites. And then I proceed to go nuts. I’m actually RE-re-watching Medabots
now. But let’s leap out of the past and get back…. To the FUTURE. Or present.
is about people using Medabots as tools for help, to settle bets, or just for
fun. The main function, however, is Robattling. A robattle is a battle between
two or more Medafighters and their Medabots. The winner of a robattle takes a
single piece of the loser (Left/right arm, head, legs) Those are submission
matches, watched over by a referee commissioned by the World Medabot
Federation. The most prominent is Mr. Referee in Japan.
starts off with a man stumbling away from a flaming car wreck with a suitcase
clutched in his arms. He falls down as a bunch of guys in rubber suits with
antennae take the suit case, but are alerted to the presence of an odd
mask-wearing man who calls himself the Phantom Renegade (Awesome name by the
way). He manages to wrest the case from the group of people, claiming that
what’s in the case is a rare medal for a Medabot.
making his escape, the Phantom is hanging from under a bridge, fawning over his
newly acquired medal. And, after a well-placed comment about the medal slipping
through people’s fingers, drops it in the river below him.
next day, at an elementary school, the leader of the Screws Gang, Samantha,
challenges the student council to a Robattle so that the Screws can use the
Student Council room as their main base of operations.
the thing about Samantha is that in the English dub her voice is kind of rough
and she is sometimes called Sam. This led a 10 year old me to think Samantha
was a guy. But I’ve learned.
Samantha and her Medabot, Peppercat, go against the Student Council president
and his Dr. Bokchoy. And now, some stats
Cat Type. Medafighter: Samantha. Specialty: Electric Shock Attack.

Bokchoy: Student Type. Medafighter: Student Council President. Specialty:

Samantha and Peppercat win quickly, winning the student
council room. However, watching the robattle was a boy named Ikki Tenryou. He
makes a comment regarding Peppercat’s speed, noting that Samantha removed some
armor and that with one good hit, Peppercat would’ve crumbled. This leads the
Screws to make fun of Ikki since he doesn’t have a Medabot. Ikki then meets his
friend, Erika, and her Medabot, Brass.
Sailor-Multi (AKA Brass): Sailormate Type. Medafighter:
Erika. Specialty: Shooting.
Ikki then finds a medal in the river, a Hercules Beetle
medal with the image etched in the medal a Hercules Beetle in, I think, larva
or pupa form.
Ikki then retreats to a 24 hour mart where the
shopkeeper, Henry, almost talks Ikki into purchasing an outdated KBT (Kabuto)
type Medapart set, even offering a Tinpet (The “Skeleton” of a Medabot) as a
freebie. Ikki and Erika laugh it off as pathetic. Later that night, Ikki is at
home, begging his mother once again for a Medabot. The news at the time says
that Medabot bandits are overpowering Medafighters and stealing their
This comes to fruition when a Screws member, Spyke, and
his Medabot Cyandog encounter the Rockers.
Cyandog: Dog Type. Medafighter: Spyke. Specialty:

Spyke loses his newly bought Bombardier (Launches
missiles) Medapart to the Rockers. When relaying this information to Samantha,
Samantha goes to confront the Rockers, only to then serve under them since
they’re more powerful than her. She actually made the choice herself without a
Erika and Ikki confront the Rockers, but they surround
Erika and Brass with their Medabots, Blackram and Hellfire Phoenix (In the
English dub it’s just Phoenix, but Hellfire Phoenix just sounds awesome) Ikki
runs away from the fight to try and find a way to beat the Rockers. He
encounters a chicken salesman who gives him a life lesson in not running away.
Ikki then runs to the store and asks Henry for the Tinpet and Medaparts.
Ikki puts it together and is given a Medawatch by Henry.
A Medawatch is used by a Medafighter to control their Medabot during battle and
to transport Medaparts and the Medabot itself. Once together, Ikki names the
yellow robot before him Metabee.
Metabee: Hercules Beetle Type. Medafighter: Ikki Tenryou.
Specialty: Seeker Missile.

off with the medal in his Medawatch, Henry watched Metabee as Ikki confronts
the Rockers. Mr. Referee declares a submission match.
summons Metabee and inserts his medal. But Metabee doesn’t move. He gets
bombarded with punches and set aflame, but he won’t move. Ikki, running out of
options and getting frustrated that his first Medabot is seemingly defective,
activates Metabee. But here’s how. It’s not a tearful “Runs up, want’s to
protect him, Metabee awakens to protect his master” or a simple “Ikki pleads
for Metabee to wake and he does to protect his master.” No. None of that shit.
Here’s how Metabee activates: Ikki pissed him off.
right. Ikki yells into his Medawatch “Move you stupid piece of JUNK!” Metabee
activates and shakily gets up and shoots down the Blackram with Spyke’s
bombardier arm. He then runs at Hellfire Phoenix and the other Blackram,
dodging fire from Phoenix. He then punches Blackram into Hellfire Phoenix, who
then goes into the Rockers. Their medals eject, signaling ceased function, and
Mr. Referee declares Metabee the winner.
then basks in some pseudo glory as Erika berates him for running away. Ikki
claims that he controlled Metabee perfectly. To which Metabee responds
“Correction: You called ME a piece of junk.” Asking Ikki who the piece of junk
is now, he starts firing his laser at Ikki as he runs away, with Henry
lamenting that Metabee must be defective.
Stats: Peppercat wins Dr. Bokchoy’s Right arm. Metabee wins Blackram’s
bombardier arm.
to do some analyzing.
Honestly, this may be nostalgia talking, but I loved them. From the Screws to
the Phantom Renegade, each main character is memorable. Ikki is that kid who
knows what he’s doing, but doesn’t have the ability to show it. Erika is the
friend who’s supporting, but can be somewhat harsh in her way of motivation.
And Henry is that advice character with his alter ego as the Phantom Renegade.
before you all fire your Spoiler/Butthurt cannons at me, let me explain
something. The reason I said Henry is the Phantom Renegade is that the show
makes it so blatantly obvious that
it’s a comedy point in the show. Hell, there’s a whole god damn episode based
on it. Seriously, a 10 year old can figure it out. You know who the 10 year old
was? Me. And everyone else. Basically, either Henry’s excuses are really good,
or every character is dumb in the aspect of identifying masked people. Also, as a shopkeeper, Henry is your typical whipped employee who is just trying to do his job. But as the Phantom Renegade, he's got gadgets for days, knows what he's doing (Mostly) and is generally an all around bumbling thief/cool "mystery" figure.
Dub: Honestly, is it super orgasmic? No. But, it’s good. The voices fit the
characters, they’re relatively in sync (Some minor bits here and there but
nothing major) and it’s just good.
All I can say is this: The Intro. Watch it every single episode. It’s fucking
For 1997, it’s really good. The characters, especially the Medabots, move
smoothly and you know what’s going on.
Plot: Awesome. People using small robots to battle each other? Sign me up. And
Metabee’s relationship with Ikki is very rocky and fragile. Metabee’s anger
issues coupled with Ikki’s own stubbornness and mistakes lead to several fights
between the two. But they do work well together, and they do become close.
Statement: It’s a nostalgic trip for me. Not only is this show awesome, but
it’s awesome to the max. It’s not over the top. It’s got great characters,
great music, animation, etc. To be honest, it’s not perfect. But to me, it’s
one of those classics that can’t be replaced. Now this bit is actually for the
whole series (Up to episode 53, the later episodes don’t count.) but my opinion
still stands. It’s classic, and irreplaceable.
Score: 10/10
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